The Home Help Programme is coordinated by
María Dolores Rodríguez González
- To indicate to the family the adaptation of the home for the patient, creating a comfortable and relaxed environment, avoiding noise in the room, adequate air and temperature.
- Control personal and oral hygiene habits.
- Attend to affective and physical needs and control social integration.
- Prevent situations that increase the dependency of the patient and try to improve their quality of life.
- Early detection of problems and alleviation of excessive personal family burdens.
- Encouraging the patient’s mobility to prevent ulcers, basic care habits, accompaniment, dialogue, communication, stimulating self-esteem.
- Coordination with the palliative care team, indicating anomalies observed during the development of the tasks.
- Visiting and monitoring the Dr. José Molina Orosa Hospital in coordination with oncologists, day hospital and hospital ward.